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Franco Ciccacci

Born in Rome on 6/8/1955
Doctor degree cum laude in Physics at Università di Roma La Sapienza on March 1979.
Full professor of Experimental Physics at Politecnico di Milano – courses of Experimental Physics, Introduction to Quantum Physics and Structure of the Matter.
Former appointments: researcher at IFF-KFA-Jülich, Germany (1980-82); “professore a contratto” at Università della Calabria (1982-83); researcher at Università di Roma Tor Vergata (1984-1987); guest scientist at Ecole Polythecnique-Palaiseau, France (1987); associate professor of General Physics at Politecnico di Milano from 1988 to 29/2/2001.
Research activities: Surface physics. Production and detection of spin polarized electron beams. Electron spectroscopy from solids, also with synchrotron radiation and spin resolution. Thin film magnetism. Deposition of nanostructured materials for spintronics.

Author of more than 170 scientific papers on international journals.
Author and/or associated editor of several university-books in Physics (e.g. F. Ciccacci Fondamenti di Fiscal Atomica e Quantistica, EdiSES 2012; ISBN 978-88-7959-715-2)
Editor of scientific books (invited by the Publisher)(e.g. Magnetic Properties of Antiferromagentic Oxide Materials: Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films, Edited by L. Duò, M. Finanzzi, and F. Ciccacci, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2010; ISBN 978-3-527-40881-8)
Referee for several international journals in Physics (Phys Rev B, Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., Appl. Phys. Lett, Rev. Sci. Instrum.,....)
Chairman of sections in national and international conferences.
Member of several Program Committees for national and International conferences (e.g.SPIE Spintronics Conference 2012-16, San Diego (USA))
Invited speakers at many International conferences (e.g. European Conference on Solid Surfaces, Groningen 2010; SPIE Spintronics, San Diego 2011)
Sientific responsible of national and international research projects
(e.g. project Immagina , Fondazione Cariplo 2008 , Euro 185.000; Prin 2008, 90.000 Euro; FIRB 2011, 311.00 Euro)

Responsible of the Milano Politecnico research Unit of CNISM (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per le Scienze della Materia)
Promoter of the new degree programme in Physical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (started a.a. 2001/02).
Chairman of the PhD course in Physics of Politecnico di Milano (2000-2012)
Scientific responsible of the research activity Nanostructured magnetic materials for spintronics, one of the 5 projects constituting the Center of Exellence Engineering of materials and nanostructured surfaces of Politecnico
Director of the Interuniversity Center L-NESS (Laboratory for Nanometric Epitaxial structures on Silicon and for Spintronics)
Director of the Department of Physics of Politecnico di Milano

Research groups
