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Rinaldo Cubeddu

Rinaldo Cubeddu was born in Alessandria, Italy, on July 12, 1944. After his Doctor degree in Physics at the University of Pavia in 1967, he joined the Politecnico of Milan, where he became assistant professor in Optics in 1983 and full professor in Physics in 1986. He is head of the Laboratory of Biomedical Optics at the Physics Department.
His research activity is in the field of lasers and their applications to Biology and Medicine. He has developed instrumentation for time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging for application to photodynamic therapy and diagnosis. More recently he has been involved in the field of photon migration for applications in mammography, oxymetry and functional imaging. Beside the field of biomedicine, the instrumentation developed has been applied for diagnostic purposes in agriculture for the evaluation of internal fruit quality and in cultural heritage for the fluorescence analysis of fresco paintings and marble statues.