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Comelli Daniela

Associate Professor

Comelli Daniela

Associate Professor

Daniela Comelli was born in Busto Arsizio in 1974. She got a degree in Electronic Engineer in 1999 and a PhD in Physics in 2002. Since January 2004 she is a researcher at Politecnico di Milano.
The research activity of Daniela Comelli is focused on the development of optical spectroscopy advanced methods and instrumentations for the characterization of organic compounds relevant both in the biomedical field and in Conservation Science. In particular, Daniela Comelli has a deep experience in the development and application of time-resolved and spectrally-resolved optical fluorescence instrumentation. In the field of Conservation Science, the research group of Daniela Comelli has been the first to demonstrate the effectiveness in the use of fluorescence spectroscopy and time-resolved fluorescence imaging for monitoring the degradation status of a work of art.

In relation to the management activity of Daniela Comelli, in 2003 the researcher has been the responsible of the research activity performed at Politecnico di Milano within the research project "Phototermal Sensitization of Biological Systems: Mechanisms of Action" funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH).
From 2006 to 2008 she has been the responsible of the Research Unit located at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano within the PRIN 2006 research project entitiled “Microbial biothecnologies for the cleaning of remarkable comparison with traditional cleaning methods”.
In 2008 she has been the principle investigator of the short-term project "Application of non-linear microscopy to the analysis of stratified polymeric films of varnishes typically used in historical musical instruments" performed at the research centre IESL-FORTH in Crete (Greece).
From 2007 and 2010 she has been an official partecipant of the European project "Cultural Heritage Protection against Flood (CHEF)" funded by the European Community (FP6 - Contract Number 044251).
From 2011 to 2012 she has been the responsible of the 2-years research project "Applicazione della spettroscopia per immagini per lo studio dell'efficacia di pulitura Laser di opere d'arte" in collaboration with Quanta System S.p.A within the convention "Dote Ricerca applicata" amongst Politecnico di Milano and Regione Lombardia.
Presently she is the responsible of the scientific project "Oggetti e materiali del patrimonio Archeologico Egiziano: analisi con tecniche portatili di spettroscopia e imaging" within the bilateral collaboration Italy-Egypt in collaboration wit Fayoum University and founded by the Foreign Italian Minister.
Presently she is also responsible of the Italian Research Units within the 3-years international project LeadART (call JPI-CULTURAL HERITAGE).

She is co-author of 32 scientific papers on international ISI journals , of 4 chapters on national and international books, of more than 40 international proceedings and of the 2 Italian patents “Analisi di opere d'arte mediante l'utilizzo della spettroscopia di fluorescenza per immagini” and "Dispositivo di illuminazione a LED, particolarmente per illuminazione stradale e metodo per la progettazione dello stesso". This last one has been completely surrendered to IBT Lighting S.p.A. and has led to the marketing of LED-based road lightings in both the national and international market.

For what concern the teaching activity of Daniela Comelli, since September 2004 she is the official teacher of the Physics class "Fisica Sperimentale" for the students of the Management Engineer school of Politecnico di Milano. In past years, she has been the official teacher of other Physics classes at Politecnico di Milano, which include "Fisica Sperimentale 1" for the Mathematics Engineer school, "Fondamenti di Elettromagnetismo" for the Biomedical Engineer school and "Fisica Sperimentale B" for the Mechanical Engineer school.
In 2005 Daniela Comelli has been one of the official teachers of the Physics class at the PhD International School IMT in Lucca (Italy).
In 2012 she has been one of the official teachers of the Workshop "Training course on Conservation Science 2 - Scientific Documentation and Imaging Techniques" at the Conservation Center of the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM-CC) in Cairo (Egypt).

Research labs

Research projects


  • Spettroscopia molecolare (ottica e vibrazionale) e sviluppo di nuove tecniche per lo studio di Beni Culturali

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