Monte-Carlo simulation of statistical phenomena on lattices

Monte-Carlo simulation of statistical phenomena on lattices

The proposed research is the collaboration within the numerical simulation of the creation-evolution of coherent domains in thin ferromagnetic films under the effect of a driving magnetic field.
Preliminary analyses confirm that the statistical properties of the Barkhausen Noise (experimentally measured and analysed within the same research group) can be well explained by modeling the thin Fe film as a random coercive-field Ising model. On-going researchers aim at including the effect of external temperature to complete the understanding of the experimental results.
The student will participate to all activities taking place within the research group.

  • In an initial phase (2-4 weeks, depending on the degree of knowledge of Statistical Mechanics tools) s/he will have the opportunity of getting acquainted with the bases of the research work, including: basic features of the Ising model, in particular with reference to the random coercive-field Ising model; basic features of Monte-Carlo simulations; experimental results to be modeled, explained, and understood; numerical code already available for the simulations.
  • In a following phase (10-12 weeks) the students will have the occasion of participating actively to the research activities, including developing the numerical code, gathering and performing the statistical analysis of the results, elaborating the simulation results, and comparing them with the experimental results.