Zani Maurizio
Associate Professor
Zani Maurizio
Associate Professor
Maurizio Zani was born February 6, 1969 in Brescia. He graduated in Electronic Engineering and received his PhD in Physics. Since 2005 is Associate Professor at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano.
He has done research on magnetic thin films with the technique based on magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE), studying the statistical behavior of the Barkhausen noise as a function of temperature and negative jumps of magnetization.
He has conducted research using scanning Electron microscopy and Auger spectroscopy (SAM), in particular in the study of diffusion process and self-organization of SiGe and GaAs nanostructures.
He has been involved in the Ultrafast Electron Microscopy project at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (CNST-IIT).
He is the head of the Experimental teaching lab. ST2, that aims to study and experiment new teaching methods and technologies, enhancing the multiplicity of possible interactions between the student and the teacher.
He teach Experimental Physics for students of Mathematical Engineering of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering.
From 2011 to 2018 he has been member of the Board of Governors of this University, and since 2017 he is the Rector's Delegate for Student rights and Contribution.
Research labs
Research projects
Piano Lauree Scientifiche (PLS)
Project details
Physics education: innovative methodologies/technologies
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