Rinaldi Christian
Professore Associato
Rinaldi Christian
Professore Associato
Curriculum Vitae
I was born in Como (Italy) on July, 31st, 1984. In 2003, I received the Diploma in Computer Science (100/100 with honors) at I.T.I.S. Magistri Cumacini. In 2009, I graduated in Physics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, with the mark of 110/110 cum laude. In February 2013, I obtained the Ph.D. in Physics cum laude at Politecnico di Milano (Thesis: “Ge-based Photodiodes for Spin-Optoelectronics”, L-NESS Center - Politecnico di Milano). I have been a visiting Ph.D. student for six months at the Institute of Physics ASCR, v. v. i. (FZU), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, working in the framework of AntiFerromagnetic Semiconductors (mainly on CuMnAs). Since October 2019, I'm Senior Researcher at Politecnico di Milano.
My research activity is devoted to the study of magnetic heterostructures and spintronic devices based on semiconductors, antiferromagnets, functional oxides and their combination.During the last few years, I pioneered the research on FerroElectric Rashba SemiConductors (FERSCs).
I’m expert in the growth of thin films and heterostructures by means of Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Magnetron Sputtering as well as in characterization by means of electron’s spectroscopies and diffraction techniques. I am skilled in the fabrication of devices by optical lithography and ion beam milling and in the advanced electric and magnetic characterization of spintronic devices.
I contributed to the main international and national conferences in the field of Spintronics and Magnetism, with more than 30 speeches, 11 invited talks and a keynote speech. I published 58 scientific papers and my h-index is 14 (Scopus).
I am member of the Council of the Italian Association of Magnetism (AIMagn) and responsible for its website.
Ongoing research projects
08/2018-02/2023 - Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MUR), call PRIN 2017. “TWEET: ToWards fErroElectricity in Two-dimensions”. Unit coordinator (national coordinator: Silvia Picozzi, CNR-SPIN Chieti, IT), funding 650 k€. Website: https://www.tweet.spin.cnr.it/
2021-2022 – Spanish National Research Council, “Electrocaloric effects in CMOS compatible ferroelectric oxides for cooling application”. Unit coordinator (PI Dr. Ignasi Fina, ICMBA, Barcellona). Fund 24 k€.
Available master thesis
Ferroelectric Rashba materials for ultralow-power electronic devices
Spin-orbit torque in ferroelectric Rashba semiconductors for efficient switching of magntic memories
Tuning of the ferroelectric properties of quantum Rashba alloys
2010-2017 Teaching assistant ("Esercitazioni"), basic physics for engineers.
2018-2020 Assistant Professor in Electromagnetism and waves for Civil Engineering (Fisica IIA).
2020-now Assistant Professor in Experimental Physics (Fisica sperimentale for Management Engineering)
For more details, see my institutional page.
Selected publications (5)
S. Varotto, …, and C. Rinaldi, Room-Temperature Ferroelectric Switching of Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Germanium Telluride, Nature Electronics 4, 740 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41928-021-00653-2
C. Rinaldi et al., Ferroelectric Control of the Spin Texture in GeTe, Nano Letters 18, 2751 (2018). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b04829
M. Liebmann, C. Rinaldi, et al., Giant Rashba‐Type Spin Splitting in Ferroelectric GeTe(111), Adv. Mater. 28, 560 (2016). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201503459
L. Baldrati, C. Rinaldi et al., Electrical Switching of Magnetization in the Artificial Multiferroic CoFeB/BaTiO3, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2, 1600085 (2016). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.201600085
G. Radaelli et al., Electric control of magnetism at the Fe/BaTiO3 interface, Nature Commun. 5, 3404 (2014). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms4404
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Progetti di ricerca
Scheda progetto
Simulazioni di parametri di scambio in magneti 2D tramite teoria del funzionale della densità
Scopri di piùEffetti di spin-orbita in materiali magnetici, ferroelettrici e multiferroici 2D
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