Eaton Shane Michael Adler

Ricercatore CNR

Shane Eaton received the B.A.Sc. degree in engineering physics (electrical engineering option) from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 2008.

During his undergraduate work, he had an internship job at Nortel Networks in Ottawa which inspired him to pursue an academic career in photonics. During his Ph.D., he studied the effect of repetition rate on thermal diffusion and heat accumulation during femtosecond laser writing of optical waveguides in glasses for applications in telecommunications and sensing. At IFN-CNR, his current research is femtosecond laser fabrication of micro-nano devices for quantum technologies.

He is an author or coauthor of 75 journal papers, 6 book chapters and over 100 conference papers. His h-index is 35 with 5000 citations.

PDF icon CV Shane Eaton academic.pdf


  • Micro e nanofabbricazioni con laser a femtosecondi in materiali innovativi

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