Moretti Marco
Associate Professor
Moretti Marco
Associate Professor
Marco Moretti received his M.Sc. in Physics Engineering in 2007 and a Ph.D. in Physics in 2011 at Politecnico di Milano. He has been post-doc, scientist and, eventually, beamline responsible at ESRF - The European Synchrotron (Grenoble, France) from 2011 to 2017. Since 2017 he is Associate Professor at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano.
Marco Moretti belongs to the POLIMIX group and his research activity focuses on the study of the electronic structure of materials with the aim to understand their physical (transport, magnetic, otical, ...) properties. His activity research is mostly experimental and is based on the use of synchrotron-based techniques, like X-ray absorption, elastic scattering (diffraction) and inelastic scattering (spectroscopy). In particular, Marco Moretti is an expert of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) applied to quantum materials.
Marco Moretti is author of more than 100 publications in international scientific journals.
Research labs
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Research projects
Project detailsA-LENS
Project details
Studio delle proprietà elettroniche di ossidi di iridio mediante spettroscopia di scattering anelastico di raggi X
Find out moreLabXAS: Developing a new table-top XAS/EXAFS instrument for in-house research
Find out moreElectronic and magnetic properties of spin-orbit assisted Mott insulators
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